5 Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Next Job Interview
There is nothing more exciting than hearing you got an interview for your dream job. Although your elated to have received this opportunity, you may begin to feel overwhelmed and intimidated as the time slowly approaches for you to attend your interview. Feelings of doubt may begin to overcome you, but with some researching and prepping prior to your interview date you can prepare yourself for success.
Not sure how you should prepare for a successful interview? To secure your dream job, there are several steps that can be taken to prepare you for this opportunity— from researching the job and company to understanding proper interview etiquette— to ensure that you leave a meaningful and lasting impression on your interviewer. I’ll be discussing 5 tips that will help you excel during your next job interview and acquire the job you’ve been waiting for.
1. Do your homework
Prior to your interview, you should research the company or organization that you wish to be a part of. Familiarize yourself with their history, values, and beliefs in order to understand what the company’s goals are, and how you fit in as a potential employee. To learn everything you possibly can about the company, it would be beneficial to utilize numerous sources when conducting your research. Important information can be found through the company’s website and social media pages, as well as through search engines like Google. Reaching out to your network of associates and connecting with previous and current employees of the company will also help you to learn more information that may not be accessible online. Learning everything you can about the company will give you an advantage during your interview because you will be ready to discuss why you are interested in this company and what you can offer them as an employee.
2. Prepare yourself with common interview questions
Going over common interview questions can help you to prepare some of your responses ahead of time. Although you cannot predict every question you may be asked, you can go over some common questions that are often asked by an interviewer. Some common interview questions consist of:
- Can you tell me about yourself?
- What is your greatest weakness/strength?
- Why are you interested in our company?
- Why should we hire you?
After asking a few of these standard questions, the interviewer may divulge more into the experiences and skills that are noted on your resume. The questions asked will be more specific and technical— motivating answers that will inform your interviewer about your level of education, certifications, skills, and languages.
To learn more about your skills and technical abilities, you may be asked:
- What languages have you programmed in?
- What certifications do you possess?
- How do you keep current in this industry?
Looking over potential interview questions and preparing your answers ahead of time will ensure that your responses are eloquent and concise– leaving a positive impression on your interviewer.
3. Be on-time
Whether it’s an in-person or virtual interview, you should always arrive on time or at least 15 minutes early. Arriving late to an interview can create a bad first impression that may affect your chances at receiving your desired position. To most employers, being late to an interview is a sign that you have the potential of being late on the job if you were actually hired. If you believe you may be late the day of your interview, you should call ahead to let your employer know in order to reschedule the time or date of your interview. To ensure that you are always on time to your appointments, a well-known phrase to remember is: “Early is on time; on time is late; late is unacceptable!”
4. Dress to impress
For your interview, you should have an interview outfit planned and ready to be worn. For a professional interview with an organization or company, it would be appropriate to dress properly in business attire. The accessories worn should be subtle and the use of cologne and perfume should be minimal. Business attire for men normally consist of a suit jacket and slacks with a shirt and tie or a button down. For women, business attire consists of a blouse and dress pants.
- Choose simple jewelry and be subtle with makeup choices
- Make sure clothes are clean, ironed, and presentable
- Pay close attention to details and check your outfit from head-to-toe
- Use too much perfume, body spray, or cologne.
- Wear wrinkled clothes or arrive with unkempt hair.
- Arrive wearing casual attire (ex. jeans, t-shirt, sandals)
Your attire is the first thing an interviewer will notice about you, so it is imperative to your success to dress to impress. Dressing professionally will be helpful towards generating a great first impression and establishing your professional image to the company.
5. Utilize proper interview etiquette
When you are addressing your interviewer and any staff members you may come across, you should always utilize proper job interview etiquette. You should exude positivity and politeness as you arrive upon the job site and greet the various professionals you may encounter. During your interview you should:
- Be aware of your body language
- Listen carefully to your interviewer and stay engaged
- Exude enthusiasm
- Make direct eye contact when speaking
- Shake hands firmly
Making use of proper interview etiquette will ensure that you leave a lasting impression on your interviewer and increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams.